Thursday 2 May 2019

This is me !

My name is Ruthy Zikhali and I am currently 16 years old . I love nature , animals , reading and writing. The reason for this blog is raise awareness to issues that are important to me. To bring , to you, my audience information that is true and relevant in today's society . I have been thinking about starting a blog and initially created my Blogger account in 2017 . I was really hesitant on starting to write because I was afraid but I saw and still continue to see so many things happening in this world . It made me wonder if more people knew would this injustice still continue ? Would perhaps credit go to where it is due ? Will our planet still suffer the way that it if more people were aware of its current ticking time bomb? I would like to make a difference in the world that I am apart of ,no matter how small. I am grateful for this platform because being  a child I thought that I had no impact . I believed that I was an insignificant child with no voice but now I realize just how blind I was! No matter how young or old you are, your voice and opinion matters . I thought you have to be famous , rich and or extremely educated to be heard . I was so glad to discover how far from the truth I was! After talking with my mom I realized that I do have a voice and with passion , love and dedication I can do something.

All my love❤
Ruthy Zikhali 

Catch my on my other platforms!

Let's Talk: Christianity

  Good morning, afternoon, evening, you beautiful people! It's early June and I have recently found out that the founder of The Synagogu...