Friday 11 June 2021

Let's Talk: Christianity

 Good morning, afternoon, evening, you beautiful people!

It's early June and I have recently found out that the founder of The Synagogue Church Of All Nations, Prophet T.B. Joshua has passed and went to be with the Lord. This really shook me because for as long as I can remember Emmanuel TV has been apart of my childhood. I was not expecting the Prophet to die so soon and it made me question my own Christianity.

Am I ready to go? If I were to perish, where would my soul go to , Heaven or hell?! All the deep, dark questions started to pop into my head like popcorn. 

Before I go any further, I want to stress that being ''worthy'' of salvation is something that we can never attain but that's why Christ died so that we won't have to suffer the consequences of our sins and shortcomings. I had forgotten this and lost my cool, remembering what a sinful being I am. 

Now I am not a pastor nor a minister, as I do not feel that I have that calling but as a Christian I feel the need to say something.

I feel that many churches are all for ''winning souls for Christ'' and bringing those who do not know Jesus close to Him. Which I think is commendable but I feel that when it comes to rededicating your life back to Christ, that's when it's dead quiet. It seems as if those who have lost their way in the forms of sleeping around, joining the wrong crowd and doing drugs are the only ways to go astray.  I feel that losing faith, not praying and reading the Bible are also ways of losing our way. Getting caught up in the physical aspect of things and forgetting that we are spiritual beings in a human body. 

For me personally, I have felt judged at most churches and felt fear and shame to admit that I am struggling with my faith and need guidance and a clean slate.  

I feel that it's never too late to turn around and rededicate yourself to our Creator. Below is a prayer that I found on Pinterest, it's nothing fancy at all but I believe that the most simple and genuine prayers are the best. It's amazing to be pumped and on fire for Christ but I wholeheartedly believe that He meets us where we are at, without any judgement for He is merciful. 

Image From Pinterest ( no copyright infringement intended)

I apologize for the late update, have a blessed weekend!

All my loveπŸ’—πŸ’œ

Ruthy Zikhali

Wednesday 27 January 2021

Hi! My name is Ruthy and this is my digital space! Welcome!

 Good morning/afternoon/evening, you beautiful people!

I missed last week's update and I apologize. 

This year I want to cultivate my blog into a safe space that brings important topics to the surface, as a way of destigmatizing occurrences and shedding light to darkness. 

A lot is happening in our world and it's hard to keep up. I aim to break that down and give to you, my audience, the truth in a compact and uncomplicated manner. To update you on important and impactful events that are occurring worldwide but more importantly, I'll also inform you on how to help. 

I have changed my update schedule from every Wednesday to every second Wednesday unless something arises I then may update more.  

I welcome you all to the Environmental and Political Issues Blog, where we don't shy away from all the shit that goes on in this world but we shed light on it as to diminish it. 

I'll see you soon!

Thank you for being here exactly as you are and for being a warrior for positive change!

All my loveπŸ’—πŸ’œ

Ruthy Zikhali

Wednesday 2 December 2020

Let's Talk: 16 days of Activism against Gender Based Violence + plans for the last month of 2020

Photo Credit:

 Good morning/afternoon/evening, you beautiful people!

It's beginning of a new month, a very busy and festive one. A dangerous one too, as many people consume more alcoholic beverages and become more reckless.

On the 27th of November, it was International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women. A day created to highlight and bring awareness and change against violence towards women.

Violence is when physical force is used, it can end in trauma, injury and death. Violence is something typically used against women, it's been that way for centuries and it's about time that we do something, as individuals and as a global community.

As citizens, people who have sisters, daughters, mothers and as females, we should empower each other, in whatever we can.

Whether that is, be it donating to women and children's shelter or not turning a blind eye when you know someone who is being abused. I feel that's the basis of it, not acting like it does not exist. Public rallies are amazing but the real work happens in homes and in communities. When you hear a woman screaming or running naked in the street.

Stepping in when a violent act is about to take place or is in action or already has happened, does not always mean that you have to get yourself caught in the crossfire. Sometimes all it means is calling the police, serving as a truthful witness and helping to make sure that the charges laid are not dropped. Sometimes, it means checking up on her after the incident, being a shoulder to cry on, trying to help her see the light and know that leaving is an option, not an easy one but a way out of her hell hole. It can be leaving food, if you know that  they are being starved. It can be not telling anyone any T.M.I. information that you have being told a.k.a not gossiping.

I believe that women should know that someone else has their back, for real. This is why so many women go back, back to their to graves usually. They need something from the abuser, be it money or some other resource that no one wants to replace. Let's face it everybody has needs. I feel like this is the biggest stigma, when it comes to abuse. If the woman goes back. she is ridiculed  and not taken seriously but where else must she gets she needs, if she is not independent?! Many people act like needing money or resources is selfish and worldly but in all honesty it is how most women survive. Which is why independence and knowledge is so important. Knowing your rights is crucial because you will know when you are being taken advantage of, being it by a lover or police officer. 

I believe it's the little things because abuse is such a complex issue especially when there are many people involved in the ripple effect. I  honestly don't think that it's something we can conquer overnight because it's a choice that abusers make, choosing to not get help and to inflict pain onto others. Today you can make a choice to help combat that, little by little we can join hands and make abuse's dark power diminish. 

I hope that if you are being abused or know someone, especially in light of the 16 days of activism, don't sit still. Go check on that neighbour, invite her over for tea. If you are a victim of violence, know that staying will only cause you more pain and grieve in the long run. Leaving is daunting, I'm not going to lie, chances are your abuser is someone you know and possibly love. It's in your best interest to find ways to be independent. Most abusers are narcissistic, meaning that having compassion for them, is detrimental for you. 

I think that gender-based violence is an important topic to have in this day and age as it is a huge problem in our society. Please going forward into the last month of 2020 and rest of the decade as a whole, let's make this a more important conversation to have.

Wishing you all a magical weekend❤πŸ™

All my loveπŸ’—πŸ’œ

Ruthy Zikhali

Wednesday 30 September 2020

Let's talk: World Suicide Prevention Month + how to help yourself

Image Credit: Pixabay:

Good morning/afternoon/evening, you beautiful people!

As September is coming to an end, I remembered that it is World Suicide Prevention Month. 

This topic is something very close to my heart as it was an immense struggle in my own life. 

I do not know who you are or what you are going through but I know that you are reading this for a reason. It's not by chance that you ended up on this page.

I know that wanting to end your life may come from multiple sources such as feelings of hopelessness, guilt, shame, unworthiness, low self-esteem and the feeling that life would be better without you in it.

I personally know how hard it can be to think of remaining alive and doubting the value and worth of your presence. I want you to know that you are special, your very birth and being is unique and unlike any other. You are here for a reason and although right now things may seem rough, do not give up on yourself. 

It's a journey to healing and to find yourself again so do not give up just because it's rough or suicidal thoughts resurface. It's a constant battle but don't give up. You are worth fighting for. You are worthy and you are beautiful. Please don't ever stop fighting for yourself and don't let the darkness win. There is so much beauty to be enjoyed in this life. Don't quit! I am cheering for you! Your future self is cheering for you. For you to accomplish your dreams , your goals, your passions, they all matter and are worth fighting for. 

Just take one step at a time.

I love you all so dearly!πŸ’š

Wishing you a magical week!

All my love πŸ’—

Ruthy Zikhali

Friday 10 July 2020

Father's Day: A day for commemoration but also a day of hurt

Father'S Day, Dad, Feeling, Blacks Mustache, Mustache

Good morning/afternoon/
evening,you beautiful people!

I wrote just last week but it somehow feels like it's been forever!
I hope that this blog post finds in good health and spirit.

As a young woman who does not have a relationship with her father. I know first hand how hard it can be to let go of someone who you thought would love , cherish and be by your side forever.

Father's Day is wonderful day to commemorate the strong and amazing fathers/men in our lives. For others, it's a dagger in the heart and a reminder of what has been, will never be or has never, ever been. A father is rock and someone really special in a child's life regardless of the child's gender.

This particular Father's Day was very quiet for me. I was not that active on social media because I did not want to see the influx of people celebrating their fathers' but it got me thinking. I know that I am not the only one experiencing pain and loss. I knew that it would be dishonest of me not to be open about this. I know the comfort of having both parents and struggle and pain of having a single mom so I safely say that I have experienced both sides of the spectrum.

It was quite a painful experience knowing what I am missing out on but what helps me is something my mom told me. ''I have to let go of what I will never have.'' My father and I used to do my technology projects together, it was some form of bonding and this year I had to do it all by myself which really hit home for me. I slowly am letting go of the fact that I will never be able to sit and just talk again, never have someone to walk me down the aisle, etc. Which honestly is painful but better to come to accept and make peace with the past , then to fight it.

There are times which I am doing really, really well and others I need to pause and take a moment. What also really helps is gratitude. Being sincerely grateful for time that I had with him and the whatever good that I can learn from him. Accepting and honouring him from a distance and knowing that he did the best the he knew how. Leaving it at that , no judgement, no fear , no bias, letting him go and setting myself free.

As young child ,I know that blaming yourself is common, trust me I have been there. The continuous thoughts of what went wrong? What did I do wrong? What could I have done differently? It goes on and on. Know the absence of your father is not your fault , it never has been and never will be. 

You are not a saviour , people cannot be saved by people, we are not the Almighty. I know that many people , people who don't have daddy issues (by the way) say ''pray for him''. I know just how hard that can be , as in cause pain to even think about. I say pray for forgiveness and freedom. I do not know your particular issue nor what went down. I know that it's a journey ,it's a long road. So take it easy.Some days will be easy and others will hurt like hell. It's  a process,just take it one step at a time.

Hi, ya! This was particularly hard to write but I hope that this has helped you!

I love you all so dearly!πŸ’š

Wishing you a magical weekend!

All my love πŸ’—

Ruthy Zikhali

Thursday 2 May 2019

This is me !

My name is Ruthy Zikhali and I am currently 16 years old . I love nature , animals , reading and writing. The reason for this blog is raise awareness to issues that are important to me. To bring , to you, my audience information that is true and relevant in today's society . I have been thinking about starting a blog and initially created my Blogger account in 2017 . I was really hesitant on starting to write because I was afraid but I saw and still continue to see so many things happening in this world . It made me wonder if more people knew would this injustice still continue ? Would perhaps credit go to where it is due ? Will our planet still suffer the way that it if more people were aware of its current ticking time bomb? I would like to make a difference in the world that I am apart of ,no matter how small. I am grateful for this platform because being  a child I thought that I had no impact . I believed that I was an insignificant child with no voice but now I realize just how blind I was! No matter how young or old you are, your voice and opinion matters . I thought you have to be famous , rich and or extremely educated to be heard . I was so glad to discover how far from the truth I was! After talking with my mom I realized that I do have a voice and with passion , love and dedication I can do something.

All my love❤
Ruthy Zikhali 

Catch my on my other platforms!

Let's Talk: Christianity

  Good morning, afternoon, evening, you beautiful people! It's early June and I have recently found out that the founder of The Synagogu...