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Let's Talk: Christianity

  Good morning, afternoon, evening, you beautiful people! It's early June and I have recently found out that the founder of The Synagogue Church Of All Nations, Prophet T.B. Joshua has passed and went to be with the Lord.  This really shook me because f or as long as I can remember Emmanuel TV has been apart of my childhood. I was not expecting the Prophet to die so soon and it made me question my own Christianity. Am I ready to go? If I were to perish, where would my soul go to , Heaven or hell?! All the deep, dark questions started to pop into my head like popcorn.  Before I go any further, I want to stress that being ''worthy'' of salvation is something that we can never attain but that's why Christ died so that we won't have to suffer the consequences of our sins and shortcomings. I had forgotten this and lost my cool, remembering what a sinful being I am.  Now I am not a pastor nor a minister, as I do not feel that I have that calling but as a Christian...

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Hi! My name is Ruthy and this is my digital space! Welcome!

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